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• WallsEvolve
• TripCater
• WebStatisticsHub
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Information & Search Web-sites
Many site offer access to specialized information or specialized searches for the viewers. The most obvious is Google that dominates the search engines with special search algorithms. The three sitse below offer specific information sought by the visitor. The WallsEvolve site gives the viewer access to HD wallpapers (images) that can be download for computer, tablet and phone backgrounds. TripCater lets users search for the best price on hotel rooms and airline flights. WebStatisticsHub uses advanced algorithms to return the value of a website.
WallsEv.com (WallsEvolve)Walls Evolve is a wallpaper site giving the user access HD images to download for their phone, tablet or computer. Many people like to change these background images frequently. The site offers scaled sizes for many of the most popular phones (iPhones, iPads, Kindle, etc.) and computer screen sizes. It also lets the user format the images to fit their Facebook page header (the image at the top). Special formats are also available for Twitter and Google+ page headers. The user can upload their own image and have it scaled for any of the custom sizes.
While the site was created in August 2013; it was extensively redesigned during the Fall of 2014. The reworking included programming all the custom phone & screen sizes. During the same time, over a 1,000 new HD images were added to the site. Many of the new images exceed Full HD quality (1,920px by 1,080px) with some at UW-UXGA (Ultra Wide – Ultra Xtended Graphics Adapter) or 2,56px by 2,048. All new wallpapers will be Full HD or larger. With the special scaling software, these images can be used on almost any device with stunning results.
The site currently has over 90,000 monthly pageviews from 30,000 monthly viewers. If you would like to advertise on the site please contact us here. You can visit the web-site here. You might visit the “iconic images” page to see some of the best know images of our time here.
- Creative Features
- Wallpaper Slider Sorted by Number of Views
- Sort Wallpapers by ratings, popularity (views) or category
- Resizing Images for Specific Phones & Screens (Thanks: GitHub Aqua-Resizer)
- Create Custom Headers from Images for facebook, Twitter & Google+
- Visitor Ratings of Wallpapers
Trip Cater is a hotel and airline flight search engine site. It is very good at finding the cheapest hotel room. It is similar to Trivago, Bookings and Kayak … they are all based on the same search engine.
You can visit the web-site here.
- Creative Features
- Front Page Header Slider
- Hotel & Airline Search Algorithm
- Amazon Travel Store
Web Statistics Hub is an example of a simple informational site assessing the value of a website. A number of factors are used in predicting the value of the site; the most important is an estimate of the monthly traffic and the resulting advertising revenue for that volume. The site is also useful to quickly check the number of links, pages crawled by Google & Bing and the number of facebook likes & shares. It also looks-up the current Alexa rank. These are quick facts you need if you are researching a site. You can visit the web-site here.
- Creative Features
- Value Assessment Algorithm
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